The Lowcountry Environmental Appreciation Program (LEAP) works with three Title 1 high schools- North Charleston, R.B. Stall, and St. Johns- within the Charleston County School District (CCSD).

The objectives of LEAP are to provide meaningful experiences in nature, increase science standards, and introduce students to a variety of jobs available in outdoor fields.

Each year, students participate in four field trips to places like Bulls Island and Crab Bank Seabird Sanctuary. In addition, students engage in a hands-on workshop with a Gullah-Geechee sweetgrass basket maker and experience a Birds of Prey flight demonstration.

Once the four field trips are complete, they have the opportunity to apply for a paid internship with Coastal Expeditions for the summer.  LEAP interns assist with our conservation and education efforts in the Lowcountry and are mentored by our environmental partners, providing real life experience in the outdoor recreation industry!

LEAP interns work closely with naturalists, biologists, environmental experts and master boat captains to gain a comprehensive understanding of environmentally-based careers.


Program Partner

Environmental Partners


.        South Carolina Public Fishing Access
















LEAP Summer Interns

Summer interns get to work with Coastal Expeditions and different non-profits and government agencies. Interns assist the Sea Turtle Nest Protection Program with nest inventories after they hatch. This hands-on project is an unforgettable experience for students.

LEAP, Coastal Expeditions Foundation, Sea Turtle Program, Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge