Cape Romain Sea Turtle Program

Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge is the most productive nesting site for Loggerhead Sea Turtles north of Cape Canaveral, Florida. In 2024, over 2,000 loggerhead nests were laid here, nearly fifty perfect of South Carolina’s total nests!

For decades, USFWS sponsored this program, but over the last ten years there has been a budgetary shortfall. Through fundraisers, nest adoptions and grants, the Coastal Expeditions Foundation raises over $40,000/year to maintain the momentum of their work.

With this funding, the Coastal Expeditions Foundation seasonally employs two wildlife technicians and three paid interns to lead the program.

Boeing South Carolina is the lead sponsor for this program and is a dedicated partner with the Coastal Expeditions Foundation.

Protecting loggerhead nests in a changing climate

Nearly every nest laid in Cape Romain NWR is relocated above the King Tide line to prevent tidal wash overs. With big storms and rising tides, the work that the Sea Turtle Nest Protection Team does is critical for hatchling survival.

Make a symbolic nest adoption in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge for $35 and protect over 120 loggerhead eggs!


dolphin sticking its head out of the water