Guide Post: Abigail “AK” King
One of the most dedicated people we know, AK is the wildlife technician leading the Sea Turtle Team in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge. She is passionate about sea turtles and is a great ambassador for the conservation work in the refuge. When she isn’t “turtling” you can find AK assisting with research on alligators and maintaining habitats on Bulls Island.

How long have you been working with Coastal Expeditions and what is your role?
Since 2021, I’ve been contracted by CEF as the Sea Turtle Field Technician working with USFWS in the Sea Turtle Nest Protection Program
Out of all the jobs you could have chosen, why do you work for Coastal Expeditions?
The Coastal Expeditions Foundation funds my dream job!
What does a perfect day in Charleston look like to you?
Beach day. Beer. No tourists. Low tide. Friends. Sunny with a slight breeze.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I have a strong sense of who I am, my level of independence and confidence, I’ve always been good at pursuing valuable friendships, my sense of loyalty, my drive to continue thriving in my career.
Images: The Milky Way Chaser
Video: AK King
Through a partnership with USFWS in Cape Romain NWR, the Coastal Expeditions Foundation funds the seasonal salary of AK and other members of the team to keep the work of this decades long program going. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to help sustain this program, you can symbolically adopt a nest for $35 or make a larger donation. Each nest adoption protects over 120 potential loggerhead hatchlings.