First Annual Folly Doggy Paddle


When you work with a bunch of kayak guides, you’re around a group of dog lovers.  Not just dogs, mind you, but between the group there are cats, dogs, snakes, birds, rabbits, turtles and, really God only knows what that our guides claim as pets.  So when the idea to do a free day of paddling for Pet Helpers was brought up, it was met with enthusiasm and we put it on the books that day.

Founded in 1978 by Charleston local Carol Linville, Pet Helpers is a non-profit rescue and adoption center with low-cost services for spay/neuter and veterinary needs.  Located on James Island, just a few miles from Folly Beach, this organization has sheltered thousands of animals for nearly 40 years, offering an invaluable and humane service to our community.

On August 20, 2015, we offered a free day of kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding in exchange for a bag of dog or cat food.  For those that didn’t have a food donation, we accepted payment for a typical rental, which we donated to Pet Helpers.

T.J. signing everyone in for their adventure!

The Folly and James Island communities showed up — with and without their dogs — with 670 pounds of pet food and $355 dollars in donations!

Pet Helpers was grateful for everyone’s donations! Thank you!


We’ve set the date for this year’s Folly Doggy Paddle for Sunday, August 14.  As we get closer to the date, we’ll spread the word so that you can sign up for your spot!   In addition to your pet food donation, you can bring items like bath towels, collars and food bowls.

If you’d like to know more,  email us and ask to be put on the Folly Doggy Paddle list!