About Our Veterans Sea Kayak Resilience Program


Hello, Adventurers! Welcome to the Coastal Expeditions blog! If you love outdoor activities such as hiking, paddling, exploring nature and learning about wildlife, you’ve come to the right place! Here on the Coastal Expeditions blog we dive deep into different habitats, excursions, conservation efforts and nature programs. To our return readers, thank you for your support! We commend you for being committed to learning. Our site is filled with interactive maps, destination guides, and educational resources. Speaking of educational resources, The Outdoor School consists of afterschool programs, weekly camps, school field trips and more! We offer hands-on workshops taught by highly-trained guides on wilderness skills, birding, identifying native plants, sustainability, kayaking, and camping. Basically anything you want to learn about, we teach! If you haven’t already, we encourage you to take a look around our site to learn more about our offerings. If you are an educator interested in planning a fun trip for the students at your school, do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Have you ever explored the ancient waterways of the Black River? Stained with tannins, bordered by bald cypresses, and home to several endangered species—the Black River is a true gem of South Carolina. In our last article, we discussed how the Black River achieves its characteristically dark waters, as well as several types of flora and fauna you’re likely to see when you join Coastal Expeditions on one of our blackwater tours. Named a State Scenic River in 2001, the Black River is a valued addition to South Carolina’s waterways. From winter to summer, there’s no shortage of wonder to be found while kayaking along its glossy surface. We encourage you to take the mental journey first by reading our last article, before signing up for the physical journey through our site! All gear and instructions for blackwater tours are provided by us. Our expert guides are eager to have you join their journey. What are you waiting for?

Today, we’re discussing an important program hosted by Coastal Expeditions and created through a partnership with Boeing called the Veterans Sea Kayak Resilience Program. The program is for all veterans. There is no age limit or military experience requirement. The program is led by Chris Crolley, an ACA-trained kayaking instructor, who brings his twenty-five years of teaching experience to the table. Crolley believes a combination of mindfulness and physical skill development can lead to holistic healing. “Practice the willingness to ask for help followed by the willingness to receive help,” says Crolley. “Couple this with the concept that the way to save [rescue] yourself is to be of service to others.” The participants in our Veterans Sea Kayak Resilience Program are referred to as “Coastal Warriors” for a reason. These individuals commit themselves to learning the ins and outs of Charleston’s waterways, relying on the principles of sea kayaking and each other to chart their way. In addition to the interpersonal skills developed within this program, there have also been deeply personal transformations as well. Here at Coastal Expeditions, we are honored to facilitate growth opportunities for our veterans, to whom we owe so much.

In this article, we’ll detail the physical and mental health benefits of such a program, before giving you an overview of what you can expect when you become a Coastal Warrior. The program does focus on PTSD recovery, but can offer significant value to each and every veteran who participates. We do not offer the program year-round and there is a waiting list. Before the end of this article, you’ll be fully informed about what the program entails and how to add your name to the list. If you believe this program would be perfectly suited to someone you know, please do not hesitate to send this article to them! Now, without further ado, let’s dive deep into the positive effects of sea kayaking!

The Benefit of Outdoor Activities on PTSD

Science supports the hypothesis spending time outdoors, surrounded by nature, is good for our health. How good for health? Well, for the answer to that question you might try reading our previous article, ‘The Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors.’ In said article, we quoted reports published by the Environmental Protection Agency which indicated most Americans feel an innate desire to spend more time in nature, despite the fact very few of us follow through on this desire. Further, by citing studies performed by Cornell University and the journal of Preventive Medicine, we also established a correlation between spending time outdoors and improved mental and physical health. From lowered cortisol levels to improved memory—even as little as ten minutes a day was proven to be enough to enjoy these benefits. “Nature is considered a restorative environment,” we wrote, “and can help relieve mental fatigue.” Today, we’d like to continue our assessment on the impact of nature, with a noted emphasis on treating post-traumatic stress disorder.

In 2013, the University of Michigan conducted a study with veterans, half of whom reported experiencing physical or mental health problems every single day. These veterans were surveyed at the start of the experiment and then one-week after a multi-day “wilderness recreation experience.” These recreation experiences included hiking and camping with groups of about six to twelve other participants. Even after a week, the participants showed a ten-percent increase in several measurements of psychological well-being, a nine-percent increase in social functioning, and an eight-percent increase in positive life outlook. The study reported these results lasted over a month after the recreation experience ended. Jason Duvall, one of the lead authors of the study, said, “The findings suggest that extended group-based nature recreation can have significant positive impacts on veterans struggling with serious health problems. Although more research is needed and many questions remain, the use of extended group-based outdoor recreation programs to ease veterans’ transition back into civilian life seems to be a promising approach.”

Now, that was in 2013. A much more recent study, published in 2020 in The Public Library of Science by researchers at the University of Essex, showed once again the benefit of outdoor recreational activities on the psychological well-being of military veterans, specifically veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. The research paper combined the results of two separate studies. Both studies sought to test the hypothesis “a brief group outdoor activity would decrease participants’ symptoms as assessed by established measures of PTSD, depression, anxiety and perceived stress, and increase participants’ sense of general social functioning and psychological growth.”

The first study was similar to the one conducted by the University of Michigan, in that a psychological assessment was taken by participants before, during, and after the group outdoor activity (e.g. two weeks prior, two weeks post, four months after). The second study was considered a “waitlist controlled randomized experiment.” Both studies yielded significant results, such that researchers were able to declare a definite correlation between peer outdoor experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder treatment. The conclusion of the research paper states, “The use of outdoor recreational activities to ameliorate PTSD and co-morbid symptoms and improve well-being in military veterans appears to be a viable and useful treatment option. Further research is indicated to evaluate and promote the availability of this and other programs to the millions of men and women adapting to life after war. This is particularly important for a clinical population who are traditionally thought to be difficult to engage in formal therapies and yet whose continued ill health is a considerable burden to the individuals, families and communities involved.”

The physical benefits of kayaking include improved cardiac health, increased core strength, increased endurance, increased upper-body strength, and weight management. Zac Krouse, a recreation therapist and musician, developed PTSD after watching his best friend die in a whitewater kayaking accident. In 2011, he kayaked and biked his way from easten Ontario to his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He recorded the entire experience, which took him 82 days, and touted a significant reduction in the intensity of his PTSD symptoms. Krouse was quoted as saying, “There is no instant remedy for mental health, but living a healthier, active lifestyle is part of that process.”

About Our Veterans Sea Kayaking Resilience Program

Our program spans six weeks, with the group meeting once per week to train in the saltwater and blackwater ecosystems of the Lowcountry. These training sessions encompass a full-day and are scheduled on two Sundays each month. During this six-week period, open training sessions are available to participants and their families at the Shem Creek Campus every other Sunday. If you would like to add your name to the waiting list and be informed when the next course opens, the process is pretty simple. Go here and provide us with your contact information. That’s all! We look forward to going on an adventure with you! Until next time, readers. Get out there and explore! Adventure awaits!