A Bicycle for the Sea Turtle Team

Our friend Marshall Walls, owner of Easy Rider Bikes in Mount Pleasant, answered our call when the Sea Turtle Team in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge asked for a beach cruiser to help them with their daily island tasks.

When we decided about ten years ago that we were going to do everything we could to keep the Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nest Protection Program going in Cape Romain NWR- the nation’s first loggerhead program!- we had no idea how much we would need the community’s support. $40,000/year is big for a little biz like us.

That first year, we donated EIGHT DAYS of Beach Drop for Sea Turtles fundraisers and found the rest of the money from who knows where.

Y’all adopt nests and make donations, you clear the Amazon Wish List and you rally for our little hatchlings. Charleston keeps this program going

And listen— we have added another technician and three paid interns to help with the number of nests they protect (over 3000 in 2023!). So we’re going to need your help this summer when we do the fundraiser beach drops and a RARE BOURBON RAFFLE.

Your neighborhood bicycle repair shop, Easy Rider Bikes, owner Marshall Walls came to the rescue when one of the team members asked the CEF for help with the trek on Lighthouse Island.

Due to erosion on Lighthouse Island, it is now almost a mile walk from the boat to the spot where the ATV can be safely secured about king tides. They do this walk daily and it’s hard to start the day a mile from your work station, especially out on a barrier islands.  They needed some wheels.

Go support Easy Rider Bikes to get your fleet tuned up and the rust knocked off. And tell him thanks for being part of the Turtle Coalition!