Reconnecting Children with Nature with Every Expedition

We hear often that children who are young adults are not spending enough time out in nature, and as our technological world continues to advance the trend is only increasing. It’s becoming more natural for kids to become familiar with a digital device or social media program than it is for them to become familiar with outdoor activities and experiences.
Of course, technology has its benefits, but many of us have fond memories of playing outside when growing up, and we all know how wonderful nature can be! Coastal Expeditions wouldn’t exist without the fascinating array of nature and wildlife around Shem Creek and Charleston! We love to say that once a child has made a connection with nature, it is with them forever. Our programs are specifically designed to teach kids how to interact with nature in a safe and comfortable way, and with a vast network of creeks and rivers housing so many flora and fauna to explore, we wouldn’t have it any other way!
All of that being said, there are proven benefits to children spending more and more time outdoors! According to Harvard Health Publishing, the following six ways explain reasons why playing outside, even for just an hour a day, can make a real difference in a kid’s life.
- Sunshine: Sunshine is often associated with bright summer days and sunnier dispositions! In moderation of course in order to avoid sunburns, sunshine helps the human body develop vitamin D which strengthens our bones and our immune systems! Our bodies and minds seem to work at their best when sunshine makes a daily appearance.
- Exercise: It should go without saying that we all saw this one coming! Exercise and play is recommended for a bare minimum of an hour a day, and though play can occur indoors, going outside with room to run around or ride a bike has significantly more benefits! Imagine the amount of exercise and activity your kids could have on one of our naturalist camp offerings and adventures! We have camps that offer kayaking, paddle boarding and hiking! It’s a great way to reconnect with the natural world around us, if we do say so ourselves!
- Executive function: While engaging at a camp or a group kayak trip or hike, opportunities for executive function skills will arise. Solving problems together, planning and prioritizing, negotiating and team building, and multitasking to name a few! To develop these skills, children need to be given the opportunity to create them on their own or with other children. Being outside, and exploring nature with our guides, will give them an environment they’ll be able to flourish in!
- Taking Risks: Harvard Health iterates that taking risks is important in learning lessons of success and failure. As parents, it can be difficult to sit back and let those kinds of lessons occur, but we guarantee that we’ve all gone through lessons of our own growing up that our parents had to let us learn ‘the hard way’. In an interesting demonstration of human behavior, if children take risks from a young age and learn from the experience, they become braver and more confident adults. Life has inevitable risks, and sure you might get wet on a kayak trip, but did you see that gorgeous sunset?
- Socialization: Working together as a team and creating friendships encourage growth. Sometimes, if a child is only able to interact in settings they’re familiar with, they may only stick to what they’re comfortable with. So mix it up!
- And our favorite from the list: Appreciation of nature. Part of teaching the next generation what makes up our world and what we need to take care of and protect should revolve around the world itself- nature. Sharing lessons and encouraging open exploration of the environment is so important. We’re not saying to necessarily let your kids loose in a marsh, but letting them explore a beach or a stream, hiking through the woods with a guide, or just witnessing a sunset or sunrise can make lasting memories. Those memories hold the most value for us, and we love to be able to pass it on to those younger than we are.
In referencing the liSt of ‘6 reasons children need to play outside’ by Claire McCarthy MD, we know she references the developmental growth and connection to nature children should have from a young age and onward, but we also know that it’s important to not mistake that as a cut off point. It’s incredibly important that everyone takes time to spend outside, connecting with nature and enjoying the world we live in.
And technology isn’t all bad of course- you’re here reading our blog aren’t you? With technology, we’re able to share our beautiful creeks, beaches, and marshes with you through photos, videos, and online sign ups to participate in person! Technology is a tool that should be utilized, but not focused on entirely. There’s a beautiful world out there, and so many things to explore!
So what are you waiting for? Go outside, take a deep breath!
…And plan for one of our many outdoor activities, tours, and camps! We would love to show you the amazing natural world Shem Creek and surrounding areas have to offer. Our educators teach water safety, paddling techniques, birding, shelling, fossil hunting, crabbing, estuary basics, and so much more! With year round programs available, we’ve got you covered!
For more information ideas, we offer the following programs and activities on our website.
For after school and drop off programs, we have:
- The Half-Day Fossil Adventure that’s offered on school holidays and teacher workdays in order to give kids an education and fun outing! The Half-Day Fossil Adventures are 3 hours long and led by an Outdoor School Educator that leads everyone on an exciting boat ride to Morris Island for fossil hunting on the beach.
- The Full Day Bulls Island Adventure that’s offered on school holidays for a full day trip that combines a boat ecotour in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge with a walkabout on Bulls Island Beach.
- And our After School Sea Kayaking Program for kids ages 9-12. This four session program teaches them the basics of sea kayaking and paddleboarding!
For our camps, we offer:
- Our Young Naturalist Camp at Shem Creek offers a weekly day camp during spring break and throughout summer! We’ve been offering this course since 1994 and it features kayaking, paddle boarding, and teaching kids to explore the Lowcountry!
- We also have a Young Naturalist Camp at Kiawah River, which is one of our newest additions! We’ve begun offering this camp at our newest outpost at Kiawah River on Johns Island, featuring kayaking, paddleboarding, and boat tours.
- Our Tidal Trek Camp for highschool students that are interested in learning advanced outdoor skills features 3 days/2 nights of camping in Francis Marion National Forest is offered one week each summer.
- And our Bull Island Day Camp, another new addition, offers a week-long day camps on Bulls Island for kids ages 7-11!
Pretty exciting right? If you’d like to learn more about these individual camps and programs, follow the link below and let us know if you have any questions!
We’d love to hear from you and help give you and your kids the nature experience of a lifetime, bringing them closer to nature one expedition at a time!