How You Can Take Care of the Environment

Getting out into nature can increase your environmental awareness.

Hello, Adventurers! Welcome back to the Coastal Expeditions blog! If this is your first time visiting our blog, we’re happy to have you here. We are all about nature, adventure, and making the most out of the beautiful outdoors of South Carolina. If you enjoy all things hiking, paddling, kayaking, and spending time outdoors, you’ve come to the right place! Here on the blog, we dive deep into different habitats, excursions, conservation efforts, and nature programs. Our site is filled with interactive maps, destination guides, and educational resources. Since the weather is incredibly warm, we want to help you get out there and take advantage of all that the Lowcountry has to offer! We offer guided tours of the beautiful Lowcountry by kayak, paddleboard, ferry, boat, and private charter. We also have hands-on workshops taught by highly-trained guides on wilderness skills, birding, identifying native plants, sustainability, and camping. Anything you want to learn about, we teach! If you haven’t already, we encourage you to take a look around our site to learn more about our offerings. In our last post, we discussed steps you can take to ensure a safe kayaking experience. Today, we’ll be talking about how you can do your part in taking care of the environment! The world we live in is filled with beauty, and it is our responsibility to help preserve it. If you are interested in learning more about how you can take care of the environment, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

Why do we need to take care of our environment?

Everything that we need to survive comes from nature. Before we get started, let’s take a closer look at some important terms that we will discuss.

  • Environment: The surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  • Ecosystem: A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  • Climate: The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period
  • Conservation: The prevention of the wasteful use of a resource
  • Biodiversity: The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
  • Sustainability: Avoidance of depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance

A healthy ecosystem cleans our water, purifies our air, regulates our climate, recycles nutrients, maintains our soil, and provides us with food. The environment and the ecosystems within it are what keeps us alive. Therefore, it is important that we preserve this environment. As humans, sometimes our actions endanger our ecosystems. We should interact with nature in a way that is sustainable. This means that we should use the natural resources that our environment provides us with, but we should do so in a manner that does not harm the environment. If we do not care for the environment, our future generations will suffer. For example, if we pollute our waters, we will be without clean drinking water. Today, our environment has taken quite a toll. Our environment is currently facing challenges such as air, land, and water pollution, global warming, climate change, biodiversity loss, and more. Luckily, there are steps we can take in our everyday lives to care for the environment and ensure the beauty of nature for years to come. Here are just a few!

Conserve Water

Conserving water means using the Earth’s water supply wisely. Although 71% of the Earth is made up of water, only 0.5% is available for drinking! Reducing the amount of water we use also reduces the amount of energy required to process and deliver it to homes, businesses, and other buildings. This, in turn, helps reduce pollution. Additionally, conserving water can help minimize the effects of droughts or water shortages. Within the water cycle, precipitation turns to surface runoff, which then becomes groundwater. Groundwater ends up in bodies of water, which is then evaporated and turned into condensation. Therefore, all water returns to the Earth at some point. However, it does not always return to the same spot, or in the same quality or quantity. When we reduce the amount of water we use, we can protect against future droughts. Some simple ways to conserve water include taking shorter showers, checking your toilets and sinks for leaks and fixing them, and turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth, 

Conserve Electricity

The use of electricity includes burning fossil fuels, which are made from decomposing plants and animals. These materials are extracted and burned as fuel. The more electricity we use, the more fossil fuels are used. Producing and burning fossil fuels creates air pollution, which generates toxic emissions that play a role in climate change and can be harmful to our health. Fossil fuels are not renewable or unlimited– They can be depleted. Conserving energy reduces air and water pollution while conserving natural resources. Some ways that you can conserve electricity at home are turning off the light, fan, or other device that uses electricity when you are not in the room, avoiding the use of artificial lights in the day time, and using smart power strips. 

Use Less Plastic

Plastics are synthetic or semi-synthetic materials that can be molded or shaped. Over 300 million tons of plastic is produced each year, and at least 14 million tons of this plastic ends up in the ocean every year. Plastic is biodegradable, but the process can take many years. Additionally, there are harmful chemicals within plastic that can negatively impact humans and the environment. Plastic poses a threat to biodiversity, with more than 700 species eating plastic or getting tangled up in it. Some ways to use less plastic include avoiding single-use plastics, such as drinking straws, using reusable shopping bags rather than plastic bags, avoiding buying drinks in plastic bottles, and buying food in bulk to reduce the amount of packaged products you buy. 


Recycling means to convert waste into reusable materials. It is beneficial for the environment because it conserves energy, reduces air and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals. For example, it takes 95% less energy to recycle aluminum than it does to make it from raw materials. It also reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. Additionally, recycling also benefits the economy– Recycling 10,000 tons of waste creates 36 jobs! To recycle at home, collect paper, cardboard, metal cans, plastic bottles and jugs and make sure they are free from food and liquid by rinsing them out first. Most communities have recycling programs, so make sure to look for information on your local government’s website to get started.

These are just a few ways that you can care for the environment in your daily life! Here at Coastal Expeditions, we believe in conservation and sustainability. We also want everyone to explore the beauty of the Lowcountry, so be sure to check out our current tours and trips! We hope you found this article informative! As always, we thank you for reading and we hope to see you back on our blog soon. If you have any questions about our guided tours, reach out to us! At Coastal Expeditions, we are committed to introducing people to the wonders of the ecosystems of the Charleston area by providing guided tours and educational opportunities. If you’re looking to explore all that the Lowcountry has to offer, check out our offerings on our website to find the adventure which suits you best! We also offer kid-friendly tours as well as kids’ programs, camps, and kayak lessons. Our tours are led by knowledgeable, approachable naturalists and sea captains who are eager to answer your questions! Until next time, readers. Get out there and explore! Adventure awaits!