Day Trip Essentials: Part 2

When you’re prepared, the outdoors is magical.
Hello, Adventurers! Welcome back to the Coastal Expeditions blog! If this is your first time visiting our blog, we’re happy to have you here. We are all about nature, adventure, and making the most out of the beautiful outdoors of South Carolina. If you enjoy all things hiking, paddling, kayaking, and spending time outdoors, you’ve come to the right place! Here on the blog, we dive deep into different habitats, excursions, conservation efforts, and nature programs. Our site is filled with interactive maps, destination guides, and educational resources. Since the weather is incredibly warm, we want to help you get out there and take advantage of all that the Lowcountry has to offer! We offer guided tours of the beautiful Lowcountry by kayak, paddleboard, ferry, boat, and private charter. We also have hands-on workshops taught by highly-trained guides on wilderness skills, birding, identifying native plants, sustainability, and camping. Anything you want to learn about, we teach! If you haven’t already, we encourage you to take a look around our site to learn more about our offerings. In our last post, we began talking about day trip essentials. Today, we’ll be continuing this discussion, discussing everything you need to have a successful day trip, whether you’re headed out on your own or coming along with us on one of our guided tours. No matter the weather, we encourage you to get out and explore– As long as you do it safely and are prepared! If you are interested in learning more about day trip essentials, stick around! Let’s get started.
There are so many fun outdoor activities you can participate in! Whether you choose hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, birdwatching, or anything in between, it’s important to be prepared so that you can have the best possible experience. After all, the outdoors can sometimes be unpredictable! Last time, we discussed 3 essentials: Appropriate clothing and accessories, sunscreen, and a first aid kit. Let’s continue our list!
- Food/snacks and water
Of course, if you are going on a day trip, you’ll need to eat! If you are going to be hiking in the woods or kayaking on a blackwater creek, you’re more than likely not going to stumble upon a restaurant. With that being said, you’ll need to bring your own food and drinks. Keep in mind that when your activity levels are high, your body generally has a greater need for food and water. When it comes to day trips, your best bet is to pack non-perishable foods, especially lightweight ones. (Remember, the more you put in your backpack or bag, the harder it may be to hike.) Here are some of the best foods to bring along with you on a day trip.
- Trail mix
- Dried or freeze-dried fruits
- Granola bars or energy bars
- Nuts, seeds, or nut-based bars
- Dried jerky
- Fresh fruit that doesn’t require refrigeration (apples, oranges, bananas)
These foods are lightweight, easy to carry, and have high nutritional value. Make sure you bring enough food for the duration of your trip, plus a little extra just in case! Additionally, it is extremely important that you stay hydrated. While this is important all of the time, it is especially vital when you are active and exercising. This is because when you exercise, your body sweats in order to try to return itself to its normal temperature. The sweat evaporates while removing heat from the body, but this also causes you to lose body fluid. You need to drink fluids while exercising to replace the fluids lost from sweating.
The amount of water you need will also depend on the temperature. For example, you are likely to sweat more while exercising in warmer temperatures. A general rule of thumb is to drink approximately one half-liter of water per hour of moderate activity in moderate temperatures. If you are hiking up a mountain, be sure to drink frequently, as doing activity at a higher altitude can lead to dehydration. Additionally, if you are on an excursion in cold weather, you still need to keep yourself hydrated. You may feel less likely to drink water in colder temperatures, which can lead to hydration.
- Navigation
These days, many of us depend on technology for navigation purposes, such as using the maps or GPS on our cellphones. However, when you are out exploring nature, you can’t always rely on cellphone service or technology. With that being said, you’ll want to bring a map and/or a compass along with you. Before you venture off on your excursion, you should take a look at the map to plan your route and know your surroundings, such as where bodies of water are located and other land features. This can help you determine if you will be coming up on steep cliffs, waterfalls, river crossings, and more. Compasses come in handy the most if you take a wrong turn on your trip. It is also worth noting that it is just as important to know how to use a map and compass if you are going to carry them with you! So, before you head off on your day trip, be sure you know how to read a map and use a compass– It can potentially save your life!
The most common types of maps used on trails are topographic maps. Topographic maps provide detailed information about a region’s geographical features and point out places of interest. These maps feature different elements such as contour lines, scales, and other symbols or details that can be useful when hiking or exploring the outdoors. Let’s go over these details briefly.
- Contour lines: These appear as “squiggly” lines on a topographic map, sometimes looking similar to the rings on a tree stump. Contour lines help hikers envision the land drawn on the flat piece of paper as 3-dimensional. They are generally used to indicate the steepness of terrain. Where the lines are close together, elevation is changing rapidly in a short distance, meaning the terrain is steep. Where the lines are farther apart, elevation is changing slowly, meaning that there is only a gentle slope.
- Scale: The scale of a topographic map tells you how detailed the map is. For example, a 1:24000 scale means that 1 inch on the map equals 24,000 inches of real-world terrain. This helps you determine the size and physical distance of a specified area, which can help you determine how long it will take you to get from point A to point B.
- Map legend: A map legend or map key defines the features of a map. It displays a symbol and tells you what that symbol represents when you see it on the map. For example, a telephone symbol on the map may mean that there is an emergency telephone there, or a symbol that is shaped like a tent may mean that there is a campground. Generally, symbols, colors, and lines are used to mark important places.
- Extras
Once you’ve packed all of your essential items, you can add a few extras– If you have room for it! These items are completely optional, but they may enhance your experience, whether you are hitting the trails, birding, climbing a mountain, or paddleboarding!
- Journal and pen/pencil: If writing isn’t quite your thing, you can totally skip this one. However, some people enjoy keeping a log of their journey! Getting a weatherproof journal or notebook will allow you to keep track of your adventures, take note of anything interesting that you come across, or simply keep a record of the places you’ve been.
- Binoculars: If you really want to take in the scenery up close and personal, a pair of binoculars might be a good idea. You can use them to see the terrain ahead or get a closer look at wildlife from a safe distance. Binoculars are a must-have item for birdwatching!
- Camera: Bringing a camera along on your day trip is a great way to capture lasting memories, whether you are into photography or not! Take photos of yourself, your hiking partner(s), beautiful scenery, or wildlife that you come across. The photos will be great to look back on, and you can even get prints of them if you’d like to frame them, or if you’re into scrapbooking!
- Headlamp or flashlight: Although optional, we highly recommend bringing some kind of illumination along with you on your journey. As mentioned before, the outdoors can be unpredictable, and you never know if or when you’ll need to unexpectedly spend the night somewhere.
These are just a few more day trip essentials that you’ll want to take with you, no matter what adventure you go on! Here at Coastal Expeditions, we offer a variety of guided tours and also offer kayak and SUP rentals, so be sure to check out our current tours and trips! We hope you found this article informative! As always, we thank you for reading and we hope to see you back on our blog soon. If you have any questions about our guided tours, reach out to us! At Coastal Expeditions, we are committed to introducing people to the wonders of the ecosystems of the Charleston area by providing guided tours and educational opportunities. If you’re looking to explore all that the Lowcountry has to offer, check out our offerings on our website to find the adventure which suits you best! We also offer kid-friendly tours as well as kids’ programs, camps, and kayak lessons. Our tours are led by knowledgeable, approachable naturalists and sea captains who are eager to answer your questions! Until next time, readers. Get out there and explore! Adventure awaits!